July 10, 2011

10 Responses to “July 10, 2011”

  1. Love this satirical look at modern hair phobia!

    • cotyart Says:

      From my perspective, the whole fad is just getting a little excessive. What’s wrong with looking the way we were supposed to look.

      • Absolutely! Finding myself apologizing for growing hair where I naturally grow hair, its sad! Its just very petty.

  2. Or, better, why would be strange not to!? Probabillmente, if no woman would follow this custom, all the women would be appreciated more by men, for the natural look and also for their courage against the model imposed by the media.
    The most “serious” result, would be that a lot of companies producing various things (razors, creams, etc.) and a lot of “beauty” centers (lol) would be forced to close …!

    • Actually your observation sounds closer to the truth. It is all about selling beauty. The true beneficiaries are the cosmetic companies. Women are shown an ideal body that few can obtain and are convinced that if they purchase these products, they will be the media’s ideal of beautiful.

      • Ultimately we will all eventually wither away and die, its inevitable, so how can we justify wasting such a massive amount of time worrying about this illusive concept of beauty?! I would love to see woman (and men) be satisfied with health and the fact that they are living. Every moment we are still here is amazing.

        • I agree with you completely. Life can be wonderful and we should find some happiness in ourselves and how we look. Also I think it’s healthy to want to look and feel good but not to the point where it becomes an obsession or causes pain to look beautiful.

  3. good question. and i’ve read it’s not good for you. thanks for liking my poem, by the way!

  4. Humans are wired to appreciate “beauty”, it’s part of life as a human, and therefore to “worry about the elusive concept of beauty” is part of “living life”. What you define as “beauty” is something else, a combination of costumes in the society where you grew up/reside, and your own brain’s interpretation. It is not just the media and beauty product companies that maintain the hair removal trend, it’s society (except those societies where that is not the case). But don’t forget that “society” is nothing more than all of us people. If the majority of people, male, female, LGBT, etc. didn’t prefer hairlessness it wouldn’t be a continuously growing and spreading trend for the many decades it has been.

    • cotyart Says:

      I agree with your stance that humans are wired to prefer attractive partners and yes the media has a strong influence on what our concept of beauty is. However, what is this ‘majority’ of people who prefer hairlessness that you speak of? Has it been statistically proven or is it simply a media message that is repeated over and over so it sounds like the truth?
      Individuals should decide for themselves what they perceive as beauty. Some will consider hairlessness attractive whereas others will consider the natural body as perfection. Beauty, like art, is in the eye of the beholder.

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